The rant of a Dutch Atheist fed up with all the religious hatred

The rant of a Dutch Atheist fed up with all the religious hatred
The blog of a pissed off Dutch Atheist fed up with all the religious hatred, racism and the suffering it causes in the world

Sunday, August 6, 2023

I'm in love with a trans woman

This is an unscripted rant, so prepare

 No I am not dead, I was just busy doing other things..
You know what it is, to much to do, just not enough time.
Spending my time on YouTube, developing my anime child Ivy to a twitter and YouTube personality, and at my age I never thought I would ever fall in love again.

Now the story:

I have always  been sympathetic to the LGBT++ community. 
Not because they ARE LGBT++, but because they are most usually loving and caring people.
Years ago I posted a blog about how bad I feel that because of bigotry, stupidity and simple intolerance transgender women are almost forced in to doing sex work, like prostitution or porn just to make a living.
These girls are not converted or modified men!a
You convert or modify hardware like motorcycles cars houses, but not human beings.
Transgender persons are people with desires dreams and wishes for a happy life, just like you and me.

As a man, who is mostly attracted to women I have always felt sympathy for trans gender people.
And I learned a lot like a transgender woman does not have to be taken for granted to be attracted to men, She can als be attracted to women, to other trans women or both men and women..
What ever their preferences are it is about love.
And what is wrong with that.
The pas few weeks I learned a lot more about what makes trans gender people to what and who they are. 

Believe me I had a lot to learn and I am still learning, because I want to..
I am not one of these conservative minds that won't take information because it goes against what I have been told in my up bringing.

What I have learned is a little on a side track of what I have learned in my life.
Like when having a penis or vagina does not necessarily make you a man of a woman.
It does represent your reproduction functionality, Sex is your equipment. but what happens in the brain is something different.

The brain is the most powerful sex organ any person possesses.
How sexuality develops is all in the brain.
Sometimes a female personality develops in the body with male reproduction organs.
This is not a mental disorder this is a perfectly fine personality with all the love and desires in the wrong body.
In my curiosity I have spoken to several trans women, was intimate with a few and was always struck by their kindness and honesty.
A trait I missed in most women I had relations with.
Like I mentioned earlier I am a man mostly attracted to women, but now trans women have my preference. 

There is one American transgender woman who I recently met on Twitter who confirmed what I knew inside..
I totally fell in love with her, there is no age gap, she is smart sweet and I think she is absolutely beautiful.
Bur I am here in the Netherlands and she is in the USA  and this can be a barrier..

I won't mention her name because however we have a lovely contact, I am not yet sure if the feelling is mutual.

Yes I am in love with a trans woman. 
And that on my age..

Monday, February 26, 2018

There is a weird thing on the moon

Repost from 2014 to correct the text color

I often encounter radical Atheists, who not only NOT believe in (any) god, but as it looks like they believe nothing  and dismiss every question mark added to official statements as a hoax or conspiracy theory..
Myself I am hugely skeptical about these things , but I think is is foolish to dismiss it this way like hogwash.
I can give you an example of what intrigues so much I am doing research on all the things I can find about it and doing the usual thing like cutting away the bullshit until I reach something that cannot be cut away because it simply is there and there is evidence to prove it .

The following is one of these things and I had a discussion about it on some discussion website and the Question was " would you rather go to the moon or to mars and I chose the option I would rather go to the moon..

If it was only do see what the hell this thing is : I don't know if the top picture is real or part of a hoax created  However the second picture is real and if you enlarge it you will see it as taken from Apollo 11 in 1969
space ship or hoax ?

Original data:
Image Collection:  Panoramic
Mission:  15
Magazine:  P
Revolution:  38
Latitude / Longitude:  19° S / 117.5° E
Lens Focal Length:  24 inch
Camera Look:  Forward
Camera Altitude:  117 km
Sun Elevation:  27°Stereo Pair:  AS15-P-9630
Film Type:  3414

Click here to see the original Apollo filmstrip

Is it so crazy that I am curious ? But guess what happens when I share this with other, mostly American atheists and skeptics suddenly the skeptical part is gone and they apparently just wave the curiosity away and dismiss any evidence or indications  as a hoax or a conspiracy theory.
Isn't that the same thing as Christians do ? they tend to ignore the proof about their beliefs being based on fantasies and dismiss them the same way as their indoctrination has taught them to..
To my opinion -EX Christian- Atheist skeptics aren't skeptical at all this way.
In my book Skeptical means being open minded but evaluate things and cut a way the crap to see what will be left over .
These kind of Atheists just dismiss these things like this example of that thing on the moon..
Read what I got from an American agnostic/when I brought this example up
Mind that I already explained, I am not a UFO freak or conspiracy theorist about the government hiding stuff  AND that I already have been cutting away the things I have my serious doubts about..
Guess what I got from an American agnostic/when I brought this example up?

"It is Just a rock"  that was it ..  No interest, no curiosity, just dismissal..

trying to spark a little curiosity in him I answered :

Ok if it is "a rock" how did that rock get there ? There were no ice ages and no erosion on the moon. There are no no bolders on the moon as we know them..
There is no force on the moon that can have pushed it there
How about a rock that looks like it's "nose" is painted in another color? And this odd bulge on top of it ?

It cannot have fallen there from outer space because it is not in the center of the crater but actually rests along side the slope of a more a less oval shaped shallow hole close to the Iszak crater (which really is an impact crater)
Notice it is like 3.5 mile long and about 3rd of a mile in diameter
It's an abnormality, like it does not belong there ..

Again I am very skeptical about the hype about it on youtube and these UFO "science" websites... Even if it IS a rock I just REALLY would like to see it for real from up close ..

His answer:

how did a rock get there?????? The moon is covered with ROCKS as the moon is made up of rocks, not green cheese as some have tried to make us believe. :)).

Even jokingly, to my opinion this is a defense of his dismissal of my arguments so I gave him another reply:
You are so rigid in your opinion that you totally ignore anything else.
Sure the moon surface has countless rocks but no ROUND rocks because there is no erosion and this thing does not only have no sharp edges it is way too big to be a rock and that is what makes it so weird.

And of course he chose the easy way out:

(quote)"Notice it is like 3.5 mile long and about 3rd of a mile in diameter
It's an abnormality, like it does not belong there .." (quote)
Rounded because of lack of erosion, please. Have you ever seen a rock that size not "Rounded" And there is slight erosion on the moon, trillions and trillions of particles streaming in from space over billions of years tend to round edges. Where do you think all the moon dust comes from.

I have done some reading about moon dust to know that it is completely different than what we call sand and I explained that to him:

Moondust under a microscope

 you are using religious arguments like "were you there" and this erosion you talk about is nothing compared to earth erosion where everything  constantly is in motion..
The moon dust is most probably the pulverized rock that is the result of millions of meteorite impacts
Moon dust is generally very sharp edged compared to earth dust.
Why? there is no erosion on the moon.


Sand under a microscope

Earth dust (we call sand) is generally rounded without sharp edges. Guess why ..

This thing I refer to has not fallen to the moon like an asteroid because there is no crater
Did you look at the original photo strip?
(when you view it it is the original size) the Iszak crater  on the same strip shows a real impact crater..
If an asteroid of the size of this weird object had impacted there , the crater would have been immense still it is just laying there on the slope of this hole ...
You can deny it as much as you want but it does not change that it is still there.

I am still waiting for his answer, but it will probably never come , same as what happens when I out-argue a religious believer..
I had no intention to force my opinion about this moon thing on him, I only wanted to explain to him WHY I would so much to see this thing with my own eyes from up close - I want to know - and isn't this what human life is about ? Curiosity ?  Finding plausible explanations that can be scientifically proven ?
We are living in a time of discovery and gaining knowledge..
When Skeptical becomes Dismissal it is only a few steps away from Dogma, all the open mindedness, inquisitiveness and freethinking and most of  all THINKING FOR YOURSELF  is thrown out of the window..

Ane personally I find this very disturbing..

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Usa, the worst modern nation in the world.

I wanted to make a whole story about this but after finishing the list I felt rather depressed..

Here is the short list in what the Unites States of America is the worst country in the developed western world::
  •  Education 
  •  Human rights, 
  •  Incarcerated citizens 
  •  Police brutality 
  •  Police killings 
  •  Mass shootings 
  •  Gun related crime 
  •  Crime in general 
  •  Health Care 
  •  Repeated teen pregnancies 
  • 1st day infant mortality 
  •  People -per capita- living below the poverty line 
  •  Disaster management 
  •  Biased manipulation by news media 
  •  Accidental deaths called by gunfire 
  •  Religious insanity.

This just comes from the top of my head, but I bet you can Google many more examples and it will become a very long list..

The path to hell is paved with corporate donations to politicians...  

The Roman Catholic Church, Lots of Blood and a little Democracy..

Democracy created the Roman Catholic church.
Democracy created the bible, who would ever thought of that..

There is a bit of parody in this and it would even be funny if it didn't take so many human lives in the process since the birth of Christianity..

I always loved to read comics about super heroes like Batman, Superman, Spiderman, the flash and all the others. Fortunately when I was young a buddy of mine had all of them so for a Dutch guy I know just as much of the Marvel and DC super heroes as the average American does.
Being the superhero fan as I am , a short while ago I went to watch Batman v Superman on the big screen, it was a private showing  in my country with only invited guests. In that case it is not bad to be friends with the stage master/camera operator of the movie theater.
As always I was impressed by the experience, the overwhelming huge screen, the massive surround experience and that usually that results in nightly after effects. This movie was no exception, I had a few vivid dreams about it and in one of them I was a clueless cop meeting Batman, the Christian Bale version, who needed my help to spread the word around that justice had come to Gotham and everyone needed to know about it. I had this "HUH?  they already know you all over the world" moment but I just went with the flow..  I am an active dreamer and most of the times I remember them in detail.
Original Moses Comic 376 BC
Now go back in time like 1700 years in history, there were also superheroes in that time, and for who could read their stories were written down in chronicles describing every detail. The figures of that time were people like Moses, who had his mighty staff that could part the waters of a sea, Noah with his mighty ark who saved humanity from extinction, David who used his sling shot to throw the stone that defeated the first super villain Goliath..
It sounds farfetched, but that was how these stories started, as individual chronicles and that was the way they were read or were told.

Roman emperor Constantine the great also had read the stories of the great heroes of the past and also the stories about Jesus doing his miracles
This probably gave him similar experiences as I had after seeing Batman/Superman. He  had a vivid dream about him being visited by Jesus telling him that justice had come to Rome and needing Constantine to help getting him known all over the empire.
Of course lucid dreams dreams were many times seen as divine revelations. In his mind Constantine had experiences one of these visions that possibly could restore the crumbling roman empire back to glory.
In modern words he delegated a committee to mold this in to a form that should become the standard of the new empire of the christian cross. Let's face it, this  was way too much work for a single man, even if he was the Emperor of the known world.
As it was meant to be to be something
including everything and everyone, it was done under the especially chosen late Latin word Catholicus that came from the Greek "Kathilikos" meaning Universal. Because it would apply to the empire of Rome it became the Roman Catholic Doctrine which needed a handbook woth collected Chronicles testifying of the great might of Jesus.
The committee named the Council of Nicaea was mainly bitching about what would and what would not be included in this handbook so they finally decide to use democracy to decide what would be included. Not the people would decide, it was not yet that time..  It was very simple one presented a book and there was a vote by show of hands about what would be included in the holy handbook that would become the Bible
The real Catholic symbol
But only Jesus was not enough, like all ancient gods there also was family like structure like a mother and child and a father god in charge, So mother Mary also stepped in the chain of worship, weather this was to make the religion more understandable to the peasants I don't know, but confusing it is, the father son and holy spirit all in one or one in all? where's Mary ?

The christening of the people could begin, and the procedure was simple, accept the Roman Catholic dogma or be killed. and from that moment on the path would be paved with blood.
Eventually the Roman Empire fell, or did it ? Maybe as a "state"  it fell, but not as a (known) world dominating religious power, the new emperor was now called the pope and every new pope was to be  more a less elected by a committee by a show of hands a procedure that is still custom today

The fall of the Roman empire did not slow down the bloody trail of Christianity,  it kept expanding it's religious empire with no considerations about human lives. The roman Empire still exists, it is now called The Roman Catholic Church and it still has its lines of influence in most christian counties and it still is responsible for huge loss of human life, not like before, but by controlling it's followers Using the same method that has been proven for 16 centuries, controlling the sexual life of it's followers. This has turned out to be so effective planting this in people's minds that also the split off  heretic protestant churches still use the indoctrination method of sexual oppression to ensure the obedience of their subjects..  You read it right, its subjects, every religion is an empire by itself, there is always a person in charge like an emperor over the people..  Now a days the indoctrination process has been so perfected, their subjects can be lead in to war, in to hating other religions, people with other skin pigmentation, or just people who refuse to accept their religious ideas..

What do I hear ? The Roman Catholic Church is not bloody anymore you say ?

Perhaps that  true in the literary sense, but let me remind you,  there STILL is an AIDS epidemic in the world, mostly in Africa
The Roman Catholic Church is mainly to blame as they are still banning the use of condoms because making more babies for the church is part of their dogma which cannot be deviated from and is more important than human life .  Because of that dogma the Roman Catholic Church is still spreading the insane lies that condoms cannot prevent the spreading of aids..
All the blood of lives lost to aids in Africa is on the hands of the Roman Catholic Church

If Constantine the great had choked to death in that particular dream?
The world would probably be a bit different without a Roman Catholic Church manipulating history for over 16 centuries